4 sets of post-it notes green, orange, yellow and pink with EMDR written on them


EMDR (Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing) is an increasingly popular therapy available at Surrey Psychology with Dr Kaur.

EMDR works by helping the brain’s natural information processing system to move towards healing and health.

Find out more about the benefits of EMDR.

EMDR Treatment

EMDR is a particularly useful and successful therapeutic tool when it comes to the treatment of trauma and PTSD.

This is because EMDR is able to remove the unconscious blockages that prevent you from developing new patterns of behaviour, something which often debilitates survivors of traumatic events.

EMDR treatment can take place weekly or more intensively.

EMDR Benefits

The therapeutic benefits of EMDR are clear, but there are some others worth mentioning. A big increase in popularity of EMDR isn’t just attributed to its evidence-based success, but also because EMDR typically requires less talking than other therapies such as CBT or ACT. This is often at a huge relief for those that don’t wish to retell their traumatic experiences as much as they would in other talking therapies.

EMDR Intensives: Accelerated Healing

EMDR Intensive sessions offers the same tools as weekly therapy but condenses them into a shorter timeframe, offering a focused and immersive experience. See here for more information on the benefits of EMDR or EMDR Intensives.

EMDR Intensives are designed to help you meet your goals at a much quicker pace than 1:1 therapy. They aim to support your preferred schedule and timeline for your goals by giving you faster access to select spots and they are designed to address the root causes of your struggles with a comprehensive and tailored treatment plan. The way they are set up in a way that allows for a deep dive into processing difficulties. This focused and longer process can lead to faster symptom reduction.

What makes EMDR Intensives different?

  • Intensive EMDR sessions with Dr Kaur last 1 week – 7.5 hours over the course of 3 days, the equivalent to 8 weekly sessions.
  • The intensives typically take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings to allow enough time between sessions for processing and healing.
  • There is an optional workbook available which can start the process before the actual Intensive with Dr Kaur.
  • There is a mandatory assessment session/s* (*dependent on whether the workbook is purchased) to help make the best use of the intensive EMDR sessions. This can be discussed during a Free 15 min consultation for those who are interested in this offering.

Who would benefit from an EMDR intensive?

Busy people, parents, contractors, anyone who is short on time and wants to deep dive into their healing. You may be new to therapy or even seeing a therapist, but feel as though you are a bit stuck. Perhaps they are not trauma trained or their way of helping with the trauma hasn’t shifted your pain. Having adjunct intensive EMDR therapy can certainly help.

Take the First Step

Ready to embark on your accelerated healing journey?
  1. Contact Dr Kaur now to schedule a free 15-minute call. Together, we will decide whether an intensive EMDR session is best for you.
  2. If we both agree it will be a good fit, we will arrange a time or an initial assessment session.
  3. I will then ask you to complete a personalised workbook and send it back to me once done.
  4. We will then have our initial session to create a personalised treatment plan for the intensive.
  5. Then we have the intensive.
  6. A review can also be booked if requested or deemed necessary.
Dr. Kaur is committed to helping you unblock your blocks, release pain and live a life free from the burdens of the past. Intensive EMDR sessions offer a transformative pathway to lasting change and personal growth.

Book an EMDR session today

If you are interested in EMDR – please contact Dr Kaur today.

Frequently asked questions about intensive EMDR

  • Pre-consultation interview to assess for suitability, as well as target unpleasant beliefs, body sensations, emotions, or images from which you are seeking relief.
  • Personalised treatment workbook, which allows you to work on your treatment goals before, during, and after our intensive sessions.
  • A customised treatment program with targeted treatment goals. Therapy with Dr Kaur is done virtually, often for 3 sessions (2.5 hours each session).
  • Post-treatment interview to assess and support your adaption to positive changes from treatment.


Intensive EMDR treatments are charged at my premium rate of £150 per hour.

A standard treatment would include a 1-hour pre-assessment session, workbook and 3 sessions each 2.5 hours long totalling £1,400.


As EMDR intensives are a new, emerging approach to therapy, it is unlikely that insurance companies will fund sessions at this point in time. I hope that most insurance companies would reimburse a portion of the cost of psychotherapy. For insurance purposes, I will provide a total cost invoice for you to submit for reimbursement.


Unfortunately, I am unable to offer a sliding scale program for clients at this time.

An effective therapist is informed, available, and attuned. I stay updated on evidence-based psychotherapy research, continuously take part in relevant continued professional development and receive ongoing supervision with an EMDR consultant and peers. I offer a limited number of spots in my practice to ensure that each client gets the attention, care, and responsiveness they deserve. I also ensure time for myself between sessions to ground myself as Intensive EMDR is also intensive for the clinician.

Let’s find out. It’s important that you feel safe with your therapist. If we feel we are not a good fit after our initial session, I am happy to share additional referrals of trusted colleagues. To get a sense of me you might like to visit my pages on social media – you can find me on InstagramTikTok and most other platforms with the username @drkaurtherapy.

In a nutshell it’s positive!

  • Intensive application of trauma-focused therapy works well with PTSD enabling faster symptom reduction with similar Learn more here and here and here.
  • An intensive program using EMDR therapy is a potentially safe and effective treatment alternative for complex PTSD. Learn more here.
  • Even compared to other trauma therapy, the intensive format may decrease treatment time, because of time not spent on a) checking in at the beginning of each session, b) addressing current crises and concerns, c) focusing on stabilising and coping skills that the client won’t need after trauma healing or d) assisting the client in regaining composure at the end of the session. Learn more here.
Dr Gurpreet Kaur, Chartered Clinical Psychologist & EMDR Practitioner

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