Why Do I Feel Weird After EMDR? Unravelling the Post-EMDR Experience If you’ve ever felt a sense of strangeness or unease following an EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) therapy session, know you’re not alone. It is common to feel a bit weird after EMDR therapy. As an EMDR practitioner, I’m here to demystify this […]

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Unlocking Healing: Exploring the Benefits of EMDR Therapy What is EMDR therapy? Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a therapeutic modality that is gaining increased attention especially since Prince Harry (on EMDR) brought it into the limelight.  Prior to that it’s effectiveness in treating diverse difficulties has been well documented through numerous research […]

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EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a therapeutic approach which helps individuals work through traumatic experiences, anxiety, and other emotional difficulties. Here’s some information to help you understand the origin of EMDR and how it works. What does it involve? There is an 8-phase treatment plan, which provides transparency to the process. The […]

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Healing from trauma, which can stem from a singular experience or repeated experiences, can be a complex and difficult journey, with a lot of twists and turns.  The journey can impact an individual at a profound level and therefore impact relationships around them. The key to healing is to find a way that works for you! […]

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Dr Gurpreet Kaur, Chartered Clinical Psychologist & EMDR Practitioner

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